Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Web Design - Principal Elements

The six basic elements of a good web design are: the simplicity, the visual balance, the proportion, the contrast, the fluidity and the harmony.

Let's start to talk about the simplicity, which is the most important principle when we talk about web design. Visitors should not struggle too hard if you hide the information from menu after menu than Visitors consider here is no more information, you will only frustrate your visitors or you will oblige them to move to something else (click, click, click, click, click, forget it!). If possible try to use "three clicks rule", which means that no information should be more than three clicks away. But the World Wide Web wants to make things simpler and it also wants more accessible public information. That is important.

The visual balance is the most important principle when we talk about web design. To create a balance from the beginning to the end, it is required that any Web page should have a header and footer section; this creates visual parts of your site and it makes it easier to navigate in. Many inexperienced designers feel the need to fill every pixel of information. In print, this is called ink density. What's more, the colour shade should be the same. In addition to that, do not underestimate the value of white spaces. Each element of web design (pictures, texts, white spaces) has an optical influence.

Another important principle of web designing is the proportion. It is more pleasing for the eye to view a rectangle in a proportion than a perfect square. For some reason, the human eye tends to favour the different proportions of length and width.

The contrast is very simple to explain the public will come to a close to listen if you shout from the beginning be sure someone will pay attention if you just whisper and suddenly shout really loudly. Other advice would be to avoid using a single type of "treatment" for your text. For example: use either bold or italics but you are advised not to use both of them together. Another mistake is to create very dense text documents ignoring the inclusion of white spaces; it makes the readers see a gray wall.

Be careful also about the fluidity. The visitors tend to scan pages quickly first and then decide to read what interests them. The first looks are fixed on unusual forms and then the visitors begin to analyse the text. A good web page leads the visitor to the desired point.

Last, but not least, your site should be balanced. In other words, your pages need to compliment each other, to show that they belong together. You can do this keeping the same elements and the same structure on each page of the site

The six key elements of web design are equally important and harmonize each other. If you want to create the desired visitor experience that you should keep a balance of all these elements.